Sub-Vendor Management
Are you getting peak performance from your staffing vendors?
Why Do It?
Most staffing companies have relationships with a network of vendors to support their business. This network may support their need to fill requirements for specific skills that are in limited supply or are skills not recruited by the company. The network may support geographic regions not supported by the company and client requirements to expand and diversify its supply chain. ​All of these elements can disrupt the efficient operation of a recruiting location.
The Sourcing Process
APRU's Sub-vendor Management Program provides a consistent and efficient process for managing your critical supply chain. When a need arises for the network, your hiring managers place an online order (job requisition) that is automatically distributed to staffing vendors that match the geography and skill requirements of the order. Candidates are submitted based on matching criteria and are then routed to the hiring manager to review.
​In addition to providing the technology conduit for this interaction, APRU also monitors the contract with the supplier to ensure only active and up-to-date staffing vendors are participating. ​​Reports are available to validate their performance across your entire employment sub-vendor network.
The Results
Connect with our VMS experts to experience our technology and put APRU to work for you!
Consistent requisition process promotes participation
Steady communication process to your sub-vendor network
Encourages similar rates for similar skills across your network
Centralizes and quickly reports your corporate diversity spend actual versus target